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J. Nelson, A. Weber, S. Buisine, A. Aoussat, and R. Duchamp, L'analyse des besoins pour la conception de produits destinés aux jeunes enfants : le cas des équipements de protection individuelle, Actes du Congrès ErgoIA, 2008.

J. Nelson, S. Buisine, and A. Aoussat, Prescriptions et innovations dans l'usage : Vers un modèle collaboratif des interactions concepteurs-usagers, Actes du congrès CONFERE, pp.3-5, 2008.

J. Nelson, S. Buisine, and A. Aoussat, Design in use: some methodological considerations. 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, pp.3-5, 2009.

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J. Nelson, S. Buisine, and A. Aoussat, Fostering creativity in the definition of future product use: a framework to assist user centered design and innovation, Applied Ergonomics

J. Nelson, S. Buisine, and A. Aoussat, A methodological proposal to assist prospective ergonomics in projects of innovative design, Le Travail Humain

J. Nelson, S. Buisine, and A. Aoussat, soumis à publication) Generating scenarios of future use in User-Centered Product Concept Design: a creativity-based approach, Journal of Engineering Design

F. Segonds, J. Nelson, and A. Aoussat, (sous presse) PLM and architectural collaboration: a framework to improve collaboration in the early stages, International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management