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!. Drawing, !. , !. Case, !. , !. et al., ! we! highlight! the! state! of! uncertainty! and! tension! generated! by! the! development! of! this! new! activity,! which! is! rooted! in! the! traditional! administrative! organization!but!needs!to!contribute!to!a!new!form!of!public!action,!conceived!with!a!governance!logic,! in! other! words! based! on! a! multiplicity! of! actors! with! various! influences! and! interactions! in! different! configurations.! We! then! analyze! how! a! heterogeneous! and! variable! public! action! is! developed! empirically!through!public!officers'!daily!work.!It!is!argued!that!this!is!both!a!difficulty!and!a!resource!for! public! action.! Drawing! on! the! organizational! routine! dynamics! framework,! this! heterogeneity! and! variability! of! public! action! is! theorized.! Then,! based! on! the! proposition! of! different! management! dispositif,)we!show!that!«!administrating!, p.public administration ? governance ? implementation ? public policies ? environment ? organizational routine dynamics