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$. How$to$sell$a$luxury$brand$from, !With!the!persistent!growth!of!luxury!brands!and!ongoing!optimistic! projections!for!the!future,!it!is!imperative!to!take!a!step!forward!in!this!field!and! understand!the!triggers!that!enable!luxury!sales.!The!personal!luxury!goods! industry!operates!via!two!routes!to!market!-!"retail"!(directly!controlled!by! luxury!brand!manufacturers)!and!"wholesale"!(outside!of!luxury!brand! manufacturer's!control).!A!significant!amount!of!sales!happen!via!the!'wholesale'! route,!in!multiFbrand!stores!where!a!mix!of!luxury!brands!coFexists!with!nonF luxury!brands.!Drawing!from!a!vast!literature!on!cognitive!dissonance!and!social! identity!theory,!using!multilevel!methods,!this!dissertation!raises!the!question!of! how!to!predict!salespeople's!effort!allocation!towards!a!focal!luxury!brand!in!this! multiFbrand!selling!environment.! $ Keywords:!Salesperson's!Brand!Identification,!Salesperson's!Perceived!Fit! Between!Luxury!And!Store!Brand,!Salesperson's!Sensitivity!Towards!Luxury,! Salesperson's!Training,!Salesperson's!Effort!Allocation,!Salesperson!Performance! ! ! $ $ Comment$Vendre$Une$Marque$De$Luxe$D'un$Magasin$De$Non6$Luxe$ Essais$sur$la$gestion$de$la$motivation$de$Vendeur$Vers$vente$Marques$de$ luxe$d'une$Boutique$non6Luxe$Multi6Marques$ $ Résumé&:!La#recherche#en#gestion#de#la#force#de#vente#concernant#les#produits# du#luxe#en#est#à#ses#prémices, Store$ Essays$On$Managing$Salesperson's$Motivation$ Towards$Selling$Luxury$Brands$From$A$Non6Luxury$Multi6Brand$Store$ ! Abstract:!The!domain!of!sales!management!research!for!luxury!products!is!still! nascent

L. 'industrie+du+luxe+dispose+de+deux+voies+d'accès+aux+consommateurs+finaux.+-d'une&part,

. Une$vaste$littérature$sur#la#dissonance#cognitive#et#la#théorie#de#l'identité#sociale.#!-$-mots%clés, !identification*du*vendeur*à*la*marque,*l'*ajustement*perçu*du* vendeur'pour'la'boutique'du'luxe'et'la'boutique'generalist,'la'sensibilité'du' vendeur'au'luxe,'l''entraînement'des'vendeurs,'la'répartition!de!l'!effort!par! vendeur