=. Simplify,

, ))), that is, 5 i,j=1 v i v j ? i ? j f

, = g = eta g1

, = d2Exp = Simplify [( d2f /. { g1-> Function

. , 212 6.2 Basic definitions and statement of the main result, p.214

. .. Fields, 216 6.3.1 Every line field can be realized as a proto-line-field, p.219

. .. Linear-euclidean-case,

.. .. , 233 6.6.1 What changes if we change the metric g, p.235

, P1 ?? ? (??, ?), F (??) = ?F (?) and G(??) = ?G(?)

, P2 ?? ? [??, 0), F (? + ?) ? F (?) = ? and G(? + ?) ? G(?) = ?

, Let ? > 0 and ? ? [??, ?) be as in Proposition 6.4.6. First consider the case where ? ? 1. The derivative (2F ? G) is then always positive, except possibly at two points in the case ? = 1. Hence 2F ? G is a bijection between [??, ?) and its image. We claim that 2F ? G (mod 2?) is a bijection between [??, ?) and [0, 2?)

, 2F ? G) (?) = 0 and 2F (?) ? G(?) = ? (mod 2?). The case ? ? (0, 1) requires a further study of 2F ? G. From Proposition 6.4.6, we know that (2F ? G) (?) has the same sign as cos(2? + ?) + ?. Let ? 0 ? [0, ?) be such that cos(2? 0 + ?) + ? = 0 and ?2 sin(2? 0 + ?) > 0, and let ? 1 ? [? 0 , ? 0 + ?) be such that cos(2? 1 + ?) + ? = 0 and ?2 sin(2? 1 + ?) < 0. Then cos(2? + ?) + ? > 0 on (? 0 , ? 1 ) and cos(2? + ?) + ? < 0 on (? 1 , ? + ? 0 ). Since (2F ? G) is ?-periodic, the case ? = 1 the set E X is made of a single line through the origin, corresponding to the two values of ? for which

, which correspond to an exceptional set E X made of two lines. Proof of Theorem 6.4.3 when X has a singularity of index ?1. In this case we have that G < 0 and F > 0 on [??, ?). So 2F ?G, as a function from [??, ?) to R is increasing and has total variation 6?. Hence there exists y ? (??, 0) such that (2F ?G)?(2F ?G)(??) is a bijection from (??, y) onto (0, 2?); it exists x ? (y, ?) such that (2F ?G)?(2F ?G)(??) is a bijection from (y, x) onto (2?, 4?); and again (2F ? G) ? (2F ? G)(??) is a bijection from (x, ?) onto (4?, 6?). Hence we have found that there are three solutions to (6.1). Since (2F ? G)(? + ?) = (2F ? G)(?) + ? (mod 2?), 2F ? G)(x), ?, (2F ? G)(?? + x)

, Linearization, blow-up and proof of Theorem 6, vol.2

, The goal of this section is to prove the topological equivalence of a hyper-hyperbolic proto-line-field at a hyperbolic singularity and its linearization. As a direct consequence

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