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, compared to the MLE. The MSE ratio depends both on the variance of the proposal distribution ? and the number of artificial data-points m = ? × n (n = 1000). A log-scale is used for both axes, List of Figures 2.1 Estimates and confidence intervals of the Mean Square Error ratios of MC-MLE (left) and NCE (right)

, Estimates and confidence intervals of the Mean Square Error ratios of MC-MLE, compared to the NCE. The MSE ratio depends both on the variance of the proposal distribution ? and the number of artificial datapoints m = ? × n (n = 1000). A log-scale is used for both axes, p.45

, Estimates and confidence intervals of the probability of existence of MC-MLE (left) and NCE (right) estimators. For a fixed n = 1000, the probability of belonging to ? is lower for MC-MLE, especially for small values of the variance of the proposal distribution ? and the number of artificial data-points m = ? × n. A log-scale is used for both axes, p.46

, This plot represents in the plane defined by coordinates ( p/m? 2 , ?) the regions where LMC leads to smaller error than the KLMC (in gray)