, Stochastic generation of domestic load curves

. .. , 125 7.3.2 Generation of domestic electric load curves

. .. Numerical-experiments,

D. .. Summary,

. .. Paris, Measurements of the outdoor temperature with various sensor orientations, p.77

, Typical series of the outdoor temperature bias

, Estimated bias reduction of the outdoor temperature

, Estimation of the main parameters, by learning the air temperature bias, p.83

, Typical series of the outdoor temperature bias, vol.87

, Selection of the penalty coefficient ?

, Smoothed dynamics of the outdoor temperature bias

. .. , Smoothed trajectories of the temperature bias and the solar flux, p.103

, Estimation of the main parameters by learning the dynamics of the solar flux, p.105

, Convergence of estimations of the main physical parameter, simulated data, p.106

, Estimation of the heating power and indoor temperature, test set, p.107

, Convergence of estimations of the main physical parameter, BESTLab data, p.109

, Typical domestic non-heating load curves at sampling time one second, p.114

. .. , Measured total load curve and timeline of non-heating events, p.117

, Flowchart of the learning procedure with an aggregated load curve, p.118

, Probability profile of the merged activities whilst people are at home, p.125

, Simulation of the active occupancy profile

, Simulated average daily electricity demand of 100 2-occupant dwellings, p.129

, Disaggregation of the demand between heating and non-heating loads, p.130

, Mean daily heating demand for three dwellings

. .. , 132 7.10 Estimation of a closed-loop R3C2 model from an uncertain load curve, Equipment rates in France: telephony, computer, home internet access, p.134

, Accuracy of the 11 expert models and associated aggregation weights, p.135

. .. , Estimation of the R3C2 model from an uncertain load curve, p.136

, Estimation errors of the R3C2 model from an uncertain load curve, p.137

, Estimation of UA against the frequency and volume of the non-heating loads, p.137

P. .. Aggregated, 138 7.16 RMSE of the estimated T i and Q u against the estimated PI controller, p.138

. .. T-i, 139 7.18 Estimated heating power and indoor temperature, BESTLab experiment with uncertain load curve

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